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Office of Hair

Could be Australia’s smallest hairdressing salon.

About Us

Unisex Artistic Directors.

Redken Accredited.

Colour and Cutting Technicians.

Blonde and Curly Hair Specialists.

As our guest, you will receive our total one on one attention from start to finish.

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About Us


Office of Hair is my 5th CBD salon.
I taught hairdressing at Petersham TAFE, ran day and evening workshops for leading hairdressing brands.

I find this a great way to contribute back to our industry and share my experience.


I grew up in Himatangi Beach,
New Zealand.

I have managed unisex hairdressing salons where I gained a vast knowledge of hair and sales experience, training and mentoring many apprentices and staff.

I am confident and very passionate about all aspects of the industry.

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Our Services

We use the well respected Redken brand in store.

Our professional staff offer a range of services at the salon, from event styling to colour treatments.



Multi product purchase discount

Purchase 2 get 10% off, purchase 3 get 15% off RRP.

Redken acidic bonding promotion

Receive one product free when you purchase Redken acidic bonding shampoo and conditioner after an in salon treatment.

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Contact Us

Located conveniently in Sydney city’s CBD, on the corner of Elizabeth St and No. 8 Chifley Square.

We are open and ready to offer you a professional and exciting experience.

Please give us a call today on:
(02) 9230 0011 to book an appointment.

We are unable to book appointments by email.